음식을 영어로 표현할때 애매한게 많습니다.
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아래 음식들의 영어 표현 방법입니다.
음식이름 : 장조림
영문번역 : Beef Chunks Braised in Soy Sauce
Pieces of beef braised in soy sauce and water until the meat turns dark
and salty. The meat is then cut into smaller pieces for serving.
This is one of the most traditional and popular beef side dishes.
음식이름 : 장어구이
영문번역 : Grilled Freshwater Eel
Eel marinated in a sauce of red chili pepper paste, soy sauce, sugar, green
onions, garlic and sesame oil and grilled. The eel can also be lightly steamed,
coated with a mixture of soy sauce and sugar, and then grilled.
음식이름 : 재첩국
영문번역 : Small Clam Soup
Small clams, steamed and shelled, cooked in a clam broth and seasoned
with salt. A specialty of Gyeongsang-do in southeastern Korea.
음식이름 : 전골
영문번역 : Hot Pot
A dish of broth, meat, vegetables, and a variety of seasonings and spices
cooked at the table in a wide, shallow pot.
음식이름 : 전복죽
영문번역 : Rice Porridge with Abalone
A savory rice porridge cooked with minced abalone.
음식이름 : 전주비빔밥
영문번역 : Jeonju-style Bibimbap
A mixed rice dish with a wide variety of blanched and seasoned
vegetables, minced beef, and a fried egg served on a bowl of rice,
ail mixed together with red chili pepper paste before eating.
A popular dish originating in the city of Jeonju.
음식이름 : 절편
영문번역 : Patterned Rice Cake
White rice cakes rolled fiat, pressed with patterned molds, and cut into
small squares. The patterned rice cakes are then brushed with oil.
음식이름 : 조개젓
영문번역 : Pickled Small Clams
Shelled clams pickled in salt. Served as a side dish.
음식이름 : 조기구이
영문번역 : Grilled Yellow Croaker
Croaker salted and grilled.
음식이름 : 족발
영문번역 : Glazed Pig's Feet
Pig's feet cooked in soy sauce, sugar, ginger and garlic until glazed.
음식이름 : 쪽파김치
영문번역 : Spring Onion Kimchi
A kimchi made of lightly salted spring onions mixed with kimchi seasonings.
음식이름 : 찌개
영문번역 : Stew
Thicker and more strongly flavored than soups, stews can be categorized by
the main seasoning (red chili pepper paste stew, soybean paste (doenjang) stew,
or pickled shrimp stew) or by their main ingredient (fish stew, dubu stew, or meat stew).
음식이름 : 찐만두
영문번역 : Steamed Dumplings
Dumplings cooked in a steamer.
음식이름 : 참기름
영문번역 : Sesame Oil
Oil pressed from roasted sesame seeds.
One of the main seasonings in Korean cooking.
음식이름 : 창란젓
영문번역 : Pickled Pollack Innards
Pollack innards cleaned and preserved in a sauce of red chili pepper powder,
garlic and ginger. After fermentation, this dish becomes a salty side dish.
음식이름 : 청국장찌개
영문번역 : Cheonggukjang Stew
A stew made with a thick soybean paste called cheonggukjang (similar to Japanese natto)
with dubu (soybean curd / tofu), fully fermented kimchi, and pork.
This paste is thicker and has a stronger smell than the regular soybean paste
(doenjang). Also called dambukjang-jjigae.
음식이름 : 초고추장
영문번역 : Red Chili Pepper Paste with Vinegar
Red chili pepper paste mixed with vinegar and sugar to make a more liquid dipping
sauce with a sweet and sour taste.
This sauce is most commonly served with raw fish dishes.
음식이름 : 총각김치
영문번역 : Whole Radish Kimchi
A kimchi made of young white radishes used whole with the stems and leaves.
The radishes are seasoned with red chili pepper powder, green onions, garlic,
ginger and fish sauce, then left to cure. lt literally means bachelor kimchi,
because the stems are reminiscent of the long ponytails of unmarried men in
traditional times. Also called altari kimchi.
음식이름 : 취나물
영문번역 : Wild Aster Namul
A side dish made with blanched wild aster (a vegetable found in the mountains)
that has been seasoned or stir-fried with other ingredients.
음식이름 : 추어탕
영문번역 : Loach Soup
A thick, strongly flavored soup made of fresh loach simmered with vegetables,
soybean paste (doenjang), and red chili pepper paste.
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